What is ISO-Halo Campaign 2016?

The General Election is about to happen. After the Crash of 2008, The Beef, the Planning, the Child Abuse Scandals, can any of us believe  our Elected Representatives to enforce proper Regulation?

Is there anything you or I, ordinary Citizens and Voters can do? Is there any point? Does it Matter?

Lord of War small

YES — Is Féidir Linn …. We Can.


The ISO-Halo Campaign is your chance to bring about change for a better, more accountable government.

It’s about You and Me getting a signed undertaking form our candidates they will act Ethically while in Public Office.

  1. The Objective of this ISO-Halo Campaign 2016 is very straighforward and dooable.
  2. Simply download the PDF form, print it out, present it to your local candidates in the forthcoming General Election (probably February 2016) and ask them to sign the ISO-Halo form as an undertaking of their ethical behaviour in Public office, if elected.
  3. Keep the form for reference and if possible, upload it online eg Facebook etc to show/promote the Campaign.